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How To Setup Arduino IDE

How To Setup the IDE One of the great things about the RF devices by komby is the ease of programming. All of the RF1 and RFPixelControl devices are able to be programmed with the Arduino IDE! The Arduino IDE is an open source Development Environment which makes it really easy to load code onto a RF1 or RFPixelControl device.

Getting the IDE

  • Download the IDE from
  • For Windows - Zipped Archive, Just unzip it and put it where you keep your programs.
  • For Windows - Installer, Execute the installer.
  • Double Click the Arduino application and launch it for the first time.
    Click to Launch Arduino IDE

Now that was fun, but we need some libraries to make this all work. Close the Arduino Application and *DownloadDownload The following libraries

Required Libraries

RF24: RFPixelControl:

Optional Libraries

FastSPI_LED2 : WM2999 - Holiday Time Color Changing Lights: GECE: AdaFruit WS8201:

When you are all done with getting your libraries You will need to unzip them and put them in your Arduino Libraries folder

  • Un-Zip libraries
    Note: you need to remove all the special characters
  • Rename Libraries and remove special characters
    When you are done renaming them your Libraries folder should look like this:
    What my Library should look like

Now we need to verify that they installed correctly Relaunch the Arduino IDE In the File->Examples you should be able to verify that the examples from the RFPixelControl and other libraries are now available.

Verify Libraries Installed Correctly
Note: You may need to restart the IDE when making changes to the libraries.