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E1.31 Transmitter Setup

Note these instructions are good for Beta 1 Release only

  1. Arduino Uno or Uno compatible board -
  2. Arduino Ethernet (the one with the Wiznet Chip) -
  3. Minimalist Sheild to connect nRF24L01 -

How To Program the E1.31 to RF Transmitter

  1. Open the IDE
  2. In the File->Examples->RFPixelControl Find the ArduinoEthernetSheildUnicastE1_31Transmitter_ino sketch
    Open the Transmitter Sketch
  3. There are some changes you will need to make to set up the transmitter
    Edit Configuration Options

  1. Choose what hardware you are using. This is so you have the right pin setup for your transceiver #define NRF_TYPE                     MINIMALIST_SHIELD]
  2. Next Choose the Data Rate that the RF Transceiver is going to use #define DATA_RATE RF24_250KBPS]

  1. Next Choose what RF Channel you want this transmitter to use, If you only have 1 use 100 its a pretty good one. #define TRANSMIT_CHANNEL 100]
  2. Next We need to set a custom MAC address. If this is your first transmitter, you can use the default. For all others visit the link byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };]
    1. You will need to break up the MAC you get from the Web tool. It normally is
    2. DE-C7-6D-F6-DA-86
    3. you would change this to byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xC7, 0x6D, 0xF6, 0xDA, 0x86};]

  1. Next Set the Unicast IP address, this will need to be an IP address on your network. You will configure your sequencer to send to this IP address. IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 150);]

Now that you have that done, Its time to load the sketch onto your transmitter. Choose the correct COM device in the Arduino IDE and click Upload.

When that is done, you are ready to go!