How-To Main Page
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Getting Started Guide
Hardware Guides
Hardware Guides for Assembly and ConfigurationGeneral RF1 Concepts
Getting Started Guide
Receiver Setup
- General Receiver Concepts
Controlling Renard Devices
- Controlling a Renard Device Wirelessly with Renard or DMX protocol
- Controlling a DMX Device Wirelessly(DMX protocol)
Transmitter Setup
- Renard Serial based Transmitter
- DMX512 FTDI Based Transmitter
- Setup The FTDI Transmitter
- Loading and Configuing Firmware
- Modding the Arduino Environment
- E1.31 Transmitters
- Wiznet/ArduinoEthernet Transmitter
- Setup E1.31 Unicast Transmitter Hardware
- Configure your Network
- Loading Firmware on E1.31 Transmitter
- ENC28j60 Transmitter ENC28j60 Hardware Considerations