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RFShowControl NRF_TYPE Definitions Explained

NRF_TYPE Property must be set on each sketch you use to upload code to your RF enabled devices.

The NRF_TYPE Configuration setting was created to try and simplify the setup and configuration for controllers. Because this setting does abstract the Pin settings for the nRF module this wiki is provided as a guide to the Pin Mappings of the various settings.

NRF_TYPECE Pin(Arduino Pin Number)CSN Pin(Arduino Pin Number)Code used behind the scenesDescription
MINIMALIST_SHIELD98radio(9,8);The Minimalist Shield uses 9,8 because pin 10 is used by the Ethernet Shield
RF187radio(8,7);RF1 both 5V and 12V all PCB versions
RF1_1_287radio(8,7);RF1_5v PCB version 1.2
RF1_1_387radio(8,7);RF1_5v PCB version 1.2
RF1_0_287radio(8,7);RF1_5v PCB version 0.2
RF1_12V_0_187radio(8,7);RF1_12v PCB all current versions
KOMBEE87radio(8,7);kombee PCB all current versions
WM_2999_NRF910radio(9,10);WM2999 version 1.4
RFCOLOR2_4910radio(9,10);All known RFColor2_4 boards