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kombee Assembly Instructions v03

These instructions are for the kombee v0.3 PCB

kombee BOM

C3,C5100nF capacitors
C610uF FK16X7R1C106K capacitors
R110k 0805 resistor
U128-pin DIP socket
Q116Mhz Ceramic resonator
TTLSerial2.54mm 5-Pin header - Optional
XB12.0mm 10-pin header
Reset2.54mm 2-pin header
RF2x4 2.54mm pitch female pin header
All the elements of the build.


The kombee is not 5V compatible, do not apply 5v to the TTL serial header. If you are using a serial programmer which cannot be jumper-ed to run at 3.3v, you need to remove the nRF24L01 transceiver.

Step 1:
Solder the 10k pull-up resistor (resistors have no polarity; either way will do).

Install 10K resistor

Step 2:


C6 Has been changed in 2015 shipped boms to use the 10uF FK16X7R1C106K capacitor

Solder the two .1uF/100nF capacitors C3,C5, C6(*this is now a 10uF FK16X7R1C106K ) . There is no polarity for these either.
Install 100nF and 10uF capacitors.

Step 3:
Solder the ceramic resonator; it also doesn't have polarity.

Add the resonator.

Step 4:
Add the XBee pins; these are set on a narrower pitch and care needs to be taken soldering so that you don't bridge (short) the pins.

Note that the XBee pins are installed with the longer side facing down.

Step 5:
If you will be using an XBee Explorer board to program your kombee board you do not need to install the serial header shown here; if using a regular FTDI adapter you will need to add this header. NOTE: you cannot apply 5v power to this header while the RF transceiver is in place.

Optional serial header.

Step 6:
Install the two-pin Auto Reset header.

The Auto Reset Header is used to disable the Arduino Auto Reset feature when using the kombee as a transmitter. You need to have a shunt jumper in place when programming your kombee. Remove the jumper when you are not programming. If the jumper is left in place while using the kombee as a transmitter the kombee will reboot itself auto-magically at the beginning of each and every song (or after a long pause in the data stream)

Install the Auto Reset header.

Step 7:
Add the 28-pin socket.

Getting close now.

Step 8:
Add the 2x4 female pin header.

Install the nRF24l01 header

Step 9:
Add your Atmega328P-PU.


Step 10:
Connect your kombee and check to make sure that your source power is set to 3.3v

Do not add the RF transceiver until after you have tested voltage.

Check voltage is 3.3v.

Step 11:
Now to test your board is working properly you need to connect it to power, connect the kombee to your serial programmer (also see note in Step 6 regarding the auto reset enabled jumper). Measure the voltage at pins 1&2 of the nRF header. If the reading on Pin 2 is between 3.3v and 3.6v, you did it!

All done!