kombee Assembly Instructions v03
These instructions are for the kombee v0.3 PCB
kombee BOM
Part | Description |
C3,C5 | 100nF capacitors |
C6 | 10uF FK16X7R1C106K capacitors |
R1 | 10k 0805 resistor |
U1 | ATMega328P-PU |
U1 | 28-pin DIP socket |
Q1 | 16Mhz Ceramic resonator |
TTLSerial | 2.54mm 5-Pin header - Optional |
XB1 | 2.0mm 10-pin header |
Reset | 2.54mm 2-pin header |
RF | 2x4 2.54mm pitch female pin header |
Step 1:
Solder the 10k pull-up resistor (resistors have no polarity; either way will do).
Step 2:
Solder the two .1uF/100nF capacitors C3,C5, C6(*this is now a 10uF FK16X7R1C106K ) . There is no polarity for these either.
Step 3:
Solder the ceramic resonator; it also doesn't have polarity.
Step 4:
Add the XBee pins; these are set on a narrower pitch and care needs to be taken soldering so that you don't bridge (short) the pins.
Step 5:
If you will be using an XBee Explorer board to program your kombee board you do not need to install the serial header shown here; if using a regular FTDI adapter you will need to add this header. NOTE: you cannot apply 5v power to this header while the RF transceiver is in place.
Step 6:
Install the two-pin Auto Reset header.
Step 7:
Add the 28-pin socket.
Step 8:
Add the 2x4 female pin header.
Step 9:
Add your Atmega328P-PU.
Step 10:
Connect your kombee and check to make sure that your source power is set to 3.3v
Step 11:
Now to test your board is working properly you need to connect it to power, connect the kombee to your serial programmer (also see note in Step 6 regarding the auto reset enabled jumper). Measure the voltage at pins 1&2 of the nRF header. If the reading on Pin 2 is between 3.3v and 3.6v, you did it!